TODAY project

Not too long ago I decided to create a rather useless project. It shows emoji and color of the day. All of this is calculated by my formulas using my own algorithms on client-side.

Here are some formulas that I have used in TODAY project:


The formula incorporates certain coefficients that are already substituted. The formula is not fully adapted. Some Unicode characters are missing, so I tried to find the longest consecutive sequences of emojis.

\(cet(t) = \left\lfloor 23 \cdot \left(3 \sqrt[3]{t} + 0.7 \cdot \log(t + 5) \cdot 13 + \frac{t \bmod 86400}{86400} + 11 \cdot \log_2(t) + 17 \cdot \sin\left(\frac{2 \pi t}{86400}\right) + 2 \cdot \cos\left(\frac{2 \pi t}{86400}\right) + \left\lfloor \frac{t}{86400} \right\rfloor^2\right) \right\rfloor \bmod 5\)

\(cev(t) = tr[cet(t)] + \left\lfloor 17 * (3 \cdot sin(2 * pi * t / 0.7) + 5 * (3 \sqrt[3]{t} + 13 \cdot \log(t + 11)) \right\rfloor \bmod ts[cet(t)]\)

and is output looks like &#{cev(t)};.


Here, some cyclic operations are used, making it challenging to represent in a formulaic manner. I'll express it in pseudocode with a mix of mathematical formulas. This pseudocode may seem unconventional, but I am a genius, billionaire, and philanthropist. I have the complete right to use my algorithmic language if I am confident it will be understood by the reader (generally a mix of languages, but I believe it's quite evident).

func sv(int t) -> vector<int> {
  vector<int> el(3, 0);

  el[0] = t mod 1000;
  el[1] = ⌊(t mod 1000000 - el[0]) / 1000⌋;
  el[2] = ⌊(t - el[1] - el[0]) / 1000000⌋;

  return el;
func cf(int n) -> vector<int> {
  vector<int> factorials(n + 1, 1);
  for i from 2 to n + 1 {
    factorials.push(factorials[i - 1] * i);

  return factorials;
func num2permutation(int k, int n) -> vector<string> {
  vector<string> permutation(n, "0");
  vector<bool> was(n+1, false);
  int cur_free, already_was;

  for i from 1 to n {
    already_was = ⌊k / factorials[n - i]⌋;
    k = k mod factorials[n - i];
    cur_free = 0;

    for j from 1 to n {
      if was[j] is false:
        cur_free += 1;

        if cur_free == already_was + 1:
          permutation[i - 1] = (el[j - 1] mod 256) -> string;
          was[j] = true;

  return permutation;

The color is output in the RGB format.

p.s. I feel that the problem of finding the required permutation can be solved with a lower asymptotic complexity (color.js). If you have ideas, please let me know about them.

p.s. [v2] I hate MathJax(((